The owner of an old London house wanted me to make use of a few hundred crumbling bricks stacked around the garden. This could be interesting - but hopefully the results will look great.
The greenhouse is situated just behind a new swimming pool and we've reflected the dark grey colour of it in the new greenhouse paint - "Railings" from the Farrow & Ball colour chart.
It think the end result is really interesting and colourful. It's almost hard to tell which are the old and new bricks. With a bit more cleaning up they should look fine.
I had a great couple of weeks off* over Christmas - * well, I spent a lot of my free time demolishing my old greenhouse to build something bigger and better in it's place.
I built my own greenhouse around 7 years ago but shortly afterwards I had to adapt it into a space for painting other people's greenhouses.
It's done well over the years but it's not quite long or tall enough for painting - and I really miss growing my own tomatoes, chillies and veg seedlings.
So here's my plan - two separate rooms in one building: a painting room on the left, with a glazed partition looking into a lean-to greenhouse on the right. It will be built and clad in oak (when I can afford it).
But the pressure is on - as soon as I knock the existing greenhouse down I have nowhere to paint / work / earn money and January is supposed to be pretty bleak.
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