I’d love to have a porch on my own greenhouse - it only comes out by a metre but that gives you so much extra storage space for your tools, treatments and compost without messing up the main workspace. You also have loads of controllable ventilation - with two manual opening windows in the sides and 4 automatic windows opening in the roof.
Back on the road.I’ll be on the road for the next 4 weeks straight so there should be some interesting sights to see!
Please come back soon... Don’t get the wrong idea - I haven’t started doing conservatories. I agreed to build this one for an old friend who wanted a porch at the back of his new home and knew he’d get friend’s rates! Ian is an architect (now retired) who specialises in heritage buildings and conservation. The whole structure is oak including the steps and the structure which supports them, the trim and pegs which are driven through the mortice and tennoned joints. The oak is so heavy and tough and it will only get harder over time so there is never any issue with maintenance or concern over how long it will last - it will probably outlast all of us. However, it takes considerably more work to prepare and construct from - although it’s worth it right! Next week:Back to greenhouses ... and once I’ve finished this greenhouse I get to bring Pablo home with me!
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