I've put together a video quickly zipping through all the greenhouses I have built so far - from foundations right through to the finials - 101 of them. Please click the link below to take a look.
I had a great 3-day visit to Wimbledon erecting and glazing this large accoya structure. Apart from the shelving, everything is made from accoya - which is guaranteed to last for 50 years without maintenance and covers against rot or any type of insect attack. It's also uv stable and won't warp or expand through the seasons - so the doors and windows will fit tight as the first day they were installed. I use a metal acro prop to maintain a straight ridge line before adding lots of horizontal supports to the large (4x2") rafters.
This week I built the base for a large greenhouse at the top end of a long, sloping garden in Wimbledon. It's hard to tell how much material you are going to need when faced with a slope - you just have to keep going until you run out, then get some more! From six courses at one end the land slopes away so much I laid 11 courses at the other to maintain the level. In turn, that meant reinforcing the back wall with lots of concrete, a pillar and a few more hidden courses of solid concrete blocks to hold back the force of that extra soil bearing on this inside of this back wall. I've probably over-compensated as usual but this greenhouse will be made from accoya, which carries a 50-year guarantee, so everything needs to be thought in the long-term.
I'll be back here in a couple of weeks to add the accoya top on this base. Dear Robin,
Looking really good so far, and I'm delighted. Regards, William |
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