Please take a look at the video below for a short tour of this greenhouse.
From: Miriam Subject: Re: Visit Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2015 17:30:03 +0100 To: [email protected] Hi Robin, Long time no speak. I hope all is well with you. I wanted to ask a question - we are thinking of moving house, and wondered if it is possible to take the greenhouse with us? Can it be disassembled and then reassembled with new footings at a new property, or would we need to start from scratch? Either way, we’d want a green-bug greenhouse wherever we end up :D Good wishes, Miriam Hi Miriam,
Thanks for getting in touch. It's great to hear from you and I'm so glad that you are enjoying the greenhouse and have become so attached to it. It's relatively easy to replace panes of glass in the greenhouse - we can slice through the silicone and slide the panes out of the routed channels in the roof after removing the clips. The whole greenhouse can be deconstructed in this way but the time-consuming part will be cleaning off all the silicone, removing the screws and sanding it all down - you're going to want me to repaint it if it's all apart again. Given that we are only saving the cost of the glass and most of the timber it's unlikely to be a cheap option. I'll send you a quote for the against salvaging the old so you can weigh up the options. Obviously I'd be delighted if you want another Green Bug greenhouse. The one you chose did suit your garden just right and if you wanted a different design or shape to suit wherever you move to then just let me know. Kindest regards and thanks Robin. From: steve.
To: [email protected] Subject: Update Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2015 16:26:20 -0500 Hi Robin Just to say how pleased I am with the greenhouse and how much we have enjoyed having it. As well as overwintering pots, growing some plants from seeds, bringing on some plug plants, potting bulbs, growing some tomatoes, etc: 1. We have had breakfast in it several times when it is too cold or wet to have it outside: we keep the ‘outside’ toaster in it! 2. My son has used it as a workshop to rebuild his bike. 3. It is beautiful structure in the garden, we even light it at night as part of the garden lighting! 4. Some garden stuff gets stored in it. All these ‘extra’ things have been possible because of the solid concrete floor you had to make because of the old shed base there – you remember that was the first problem you had to solve but it has worked out really well for me and the concrete seems to soak up the water as well as any gravel! I love it! Thanks so much. Hope you are well and are having a good summer. Cheers Steve |
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